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English Language Acquisition

The English Language Acquisition (ELA) program supports our linguistically diverse community by encouraging the use of home and identity languages in classrooms to help students connect to prior knowledge and build conceptual understandings. We believe that our relationships with families are essential to understanding and capitalizing students’ language assets. 

All students are assessed using WIDA, an English-language proficiency assessment for students in Grades 1-12. 

Oberursel Primary School

At the Primary School (First Steps to Grade 1), provisions for English Language Acquisition (ELA) predominantly take the form of a co-teaching model where students are supported by our specialized ELA teachers in the homeroom during content-area instruction. Only when students are assessed at ELA Level 1 are they supported with small group instruction five (5) times per week. These provisions begin in the Primary Grade, as English language development is supported during play, social interaction, and immersion in the homeroom lessons during First Steps and Pre-Primary.

Oberursel Elementary School

In the Elementary School (Grades 2-5), provisions for English Language Acquisition are a combination of both pull out and push in instruction. Students at the ELA Level 1 receive small group instruction six (6) times per week; ELA Level 2, four (4) times per week; and ELA Level 3, two (2) times per week. 

Wiesbaden (pre-primary-Grade 8)

English is the principal language of instruction and communication. Our English Language Acquisition (ELA) program  is designed to support English Language Learners at all proficiency levels from pre-primary through grade eight. 

Due to our small campus, we are able to provide students with personalized language support through small group instruction and use of co-teaching models in homeroom classrooms. We believe in working collaboratively with grade level teachers to support and build culturally responsive classrooms and by developing classroom instruction which is differentiated to meet students’ individual English language needs. 

The ELA program supports our linguistically diverse community by encouraging the use of home and identity languages in classrooms to help students connect to prior knowledge and build conceptual understandings. We believe that our relationships with families are essential to understanding and capitalizing students’ language assets.