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Bus Service

FIS boasts the largest private school bus system in Germany, contracting with local bus companies to service over 50 different bus routes for students on the Oberursel and Wiesbaden campuses. In all, our buses serve 90 localities in the greater Frankfurt area with 240 different bus stops for student pick-up and drop-off.

Families are encouraged to use our bus system as an environmentally-friendly transportation option and to increase campus safety. Fewer cars means less congestion, allowing our buses to enter and leave the campus freely.

Over the past 40 years we have worked hard to create a transportation system that is safe, efficient and affordable, and we are pleased to offer this valuable service to our school community.


The cost of our bus service depends on travel distance, but ranges from approximately €2,000 to €3,400 annually. Students in First Steps to Grade 2 can request one-way bus service at half cost.

Late Bus

FIS offers a late bus service Monday-Thursday for Grade 6-12 students on the Oberursel Campus, and Tuesdays and Thursdays for Grade 6-8 students on the Wiesbaden Campus. Minimum ridership is required. Find complete details here.

Contact Our Transportation Team
Tel: +49 (0) 6171-2024-466